
September 18, 2014


The Pruett’s will be taking a brief break to focus on their new life as parents. They will return with more exciting episodes from their lives in about a week....

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September 17, 2014

Chapter 5: Silver Linings

Xavier sucks up the pain gets back into the dating pool although he’s still technically with Sandra. With a little help from the jealousy fairy, he and Sandra were able to patch things up.

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September 15, 2014

Chapter 2: Better

Life begins to look up for Xavier, and so he decided to step out onto the dating scene. He met lots of interesting Sims, but none of them were right. He develops a friendship with a Sim named Stella. She becomes a very good friend and is a sounding board for all of his problems.

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September 15, 2014

Chapter 1: New Life

Xavier describes his first couple of months on his own after leaving his mother’s house with an attitude. It’s waaay more than what he bargained for!

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