
February 26, 2015

8.9 Paaaartay!

It’s the triplets adult birthday! They throw a huge party and invited everyone. Owen shows signs of improvement, but how long will it last?

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February 23, 2015

Chapter 1 – Harold & Harriett

Harriett Humphries finally gets her husband out of the house to enjoy retirement although he was always so reluctant to leave the house. They see one of their children in the park and have an unfortunate encounter that makes her question where she went wrong with them.

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February 21, 2015

A New Home

River and Melody Pitts are a newly wed couple from Twinbrook. They are just starting out in life with a new house and a baby on the way in a new town called Willow Creek. The first few months of their marriage was a struggle, but now things are looking up for them.

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February 17, 2015

8.7 Grandpops

On JoJo’s birthday, he and River spent the entire day together. River enjoyed being a grandfather and wished that Melody was around to experience grandparenthood.

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February 15, 2015

8.6 Beyond Help

Everyone in the Pruett estate, except Devan, was concerned about Owen. All of them–even Brady–wanted to talk to him, but he was always so busy and shooed them away. One night,...

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February 15, 2015

8.4 A Boy and His Parents

Alayna and Roland are super excited about being new parents. They may be at risk for being helicopter parents. Let’s see what they get up to in Devan’s first few weeks of life.

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February 7, 2015

Poor Brady

Brady isn’t having any luck with Robyn. Everyone knows she’s just not that into him, but he (in all of his insanity) believes that she loves him. I hope you...

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February 6, 2015

8.1 Trouble Rising

Hello, people. This is Alayna. I’m worried about my brothers. Naturally, Brady worries me because he is insane and lovelorn, but Owen worries me the most. Something is wrong with him, and I...

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February 5, 2015

7.40 Only Time Will Tell

Melody is forever grateful for her new lease on life, and so is her family. Her daughters are slowly finding themselves in new relationships, but she is trying not to be hopeful to see a wedding or a grandchild in her new lifetime. Will it happen?

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