Juliana – Chapter 15 The Other Humphries
Juliana meets the rest of the Humphries family.
Juliana meets the rest of the Humphries family.
Eliza nabs her woman, but she has other plans for her.
Eliza prides herself in wearing a white hat, but is it getting a little gray?
Juliana’s unfortunate incident caused her to think about her life and whether she could call Willow Creek home or not.
There is a new sheriff in town at the Pancakes house!
Learn more about Andrea and Antoine’s history and how her childhood experiences propelled her desire to have a family.
Zayne finds himself concerned about being a good daddy, but Emmanuel teaches him that he already is one. Will he learn to loosen up?
While Lester and Tim are living it up at the arcade, India has made a decision about Mathias.
Eliza comes by to remind India of the HOA meeting, but they get involved in some gossip.
Lester brings Susie home to work on a project and gets way more than he bargained for.
Lester has the opportunity to redeem himself with the avant guards.
India and Jade have a similar rush of feelings at a Partihaus gathering.
Mathias’ old age doesn’t stop him from showing India how much he loves her.
Zayne Landry recently decided to put away childish things and be the man he should have been a while ago. Hopefully it’s not too late.
Jonathan interviews Archer Wray for the server position at Viviana’s. How will he do?
Enjoy a few precious moments of Jonathan and Skyla’s life as business owners.
It’s Skyla’s birthday! Jonathan also has a special surprise for his employees.
Skyla sits Maya down for a chat after school to discuss her recent behavior.