married life
9.79 Babies Babies Babies
Everywhere Jonathan and Skyla goes, everyone wants to know about the baby.
9.77 Everything is Fine
Eugene keeps getting sick and telling Skyla he’s fine.
9.75 The Nursery
Skyla informs Jonathan that the nursery is near completed. What comes next?
Woman on a Mission
Devan and Leliana are getting into a nice rhythm in their new life together, but she is still on a mission to change his mind about children.
9.72 The Courtyard
Jonathan hosts a dinner party to celebrate his new living space.
9.71 Ships that Pass in the Night
Jonathan and Skyla finally have a moment together to share their progress.
Holmes Sweet Home
Devan and Leliana found their new home, and she immediately begins to work toward her next goal.
9.70 The Happenings
So much has happened post Jonathan and Skyla’s wedding!
9.66 Catching Up
With no more children in the house, life is speeding up at the Pruett Estate.
9.62 Losing the One You Love
Julian begins writing a book titled, “Losing the One You Love.”
9.58 All to Myself
Julian and Jeannette consider becoming empty nesters.
9.53 The After Party’s After Party
“All of our babies are grown, Julian!” “Yeah…how did we get to be so old?”
9.23 Party Crasher
Dexter meets the Pruetts at Emerson’s young adult birthday party.
9.14 Fire Breathing Dragons
How does a conversation about raising children turn into one about fire-breathing dragons?