Waaazzuuuuuuuup! I’m Jes2G, but you may call me Jess. Here are just a few fun facts about me. I love writing, orange, Asian food, gospel music, singing, sipping tea, chewing gum, creating sims, and did I mention writing? Happy reading!
Sims with Middle Names
Cienna Kelly Ann Holmes – Named after her grandmother, Kelly Ann Holmes.
Cadence Marie Sheridan-Clemons
Marli Cassandra Sheridan-Taylor
Brianna Michelle Clemons
Sydney Grace Holmes
Emerson James Pruett – Named for his grandfather, James Harmon.
Carla Gisselle Clemons – Her middle name was inspired by her grandfather, Giancarlo Sheridan.
Mia Colleen Sheridan-Munoz
Bianca Janine Pruett
Kasey Bianca Clemons – Named after her grandmother, Bianca Pruett-Sheridan.
Melody Christina Sheridan-Pitts
Brittany Louise Pruett – Named for her grandmother, Louise Greer.
Brandon Ramone Pruett – 5th Generation; Named after his grandfather, Ramone Greer.
Allen Xavier Pruett – Named after his great great great great grandfather, Xavier Pruett: Founder of the Pruett legacy.
Lance Amir Pruett – 6th Generation; Named after his mother, Amira Qurashi.