He’s insane. He’s outspoken. He’s the most lovable guy you’ll ever meet! They call him Crazy Brady.
Brady Pruett is a long time fitness buff and activist. He has been training Sims since the age of 26. Pruett comes from a long line of wealthy heirs and did not need to pursue a career. But, his passion for fitness drew compelled him to seek a position in the athlete career. He didn’t name drop or have his family pull strings. He applied for a job and interviewed just like everyone else. He was hired on as a waterboy and worked faithfully and graciously through each level. Now as the Trainer to the Stars, he has taken skills and uses this platform to not only train celebrities, but also to reach every day, working Sims to reach their fitness goals.
Pruett is clinically insane. The insanity manifests itself in random rants and raves. He first noticed this behavior shortly after graduating high school. His romantic interest at the time decided to distance herself from him. These outbursts began to become more frequent and more negative, and he couldn’t stop them. He described it as a monster living inside him. When he began training, he found that his clients enjoyed him yelling at them and found it to be motivating. Through training, he was able to learn to tame the monster by unleashing it during sessions.
When Pruett is not training, he enjoys a simple family life with his wife, Viviana, and his children, Julian, Callie, and Sasha. No matter how busy he gets, he always makes time to attend family gatherings. Pruett is the youngest of his siblings who are triplets and is deeply loved by his three nephews, three nieces, and great-niece. He is also an avid reader.