In a perfect world, this is the happily-ever-after I would have given Jonathan Pruett! With the advent of the release of the Dine Out pack, I was compelled to revive him just for the purpose of fulfilling his dreams of having restaurants all around the world. When he was young, he proclaimed to his mother and grandmother that he wanted to be a restaurateur, and that is exactly what he is going to be!
I do not intend for this story to go on forever, and I don’t really want to reload Pruett Family Legacy although it will be tempting. So, I have made this a bit of a challenge for myself so there can be a definite end to this. Jonathan will open one restaurant in all five worlds! Windenburg will be the last one seeing as how in their minds Windenburg is actually another country. Each restaurant will need at least a 3.5 or higher star rating before I will allow him to purchase another restaurant. This may take a while seeing as how they do not have access to the funds from the Pruett Estate, so he and the family will be working quite hard to make this happen!
Also! Here is the family tree for this story. It’s not the full Pruett tree and only contains parts of the tree mentioned in this story. Also, remember that this story is in an alternate universe, so generations 10 and beyond look completely different from the real family tree. Enjoy!
From August 2018-2019, this story was on hiatus. The summer of 2019, I posted a series of “catch up” posts on Tumblr in preparation for starting up again. Many people have expressed an interest in reading this story but didn’t want to read all the previous chapters. So, I did my best to summarize. In these posts, I introduce the main characters, close family members, friends, and significant others, relationship dynamics, and the major areas of conflict. If you’ve stumbled upon this story and wanted to get started quickly, this is a great way to do it. Click here to see the posts on Tumblr. As always, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy this dramatic journey.
Oasis Springs Restaurant – “Bonheur Francais” by Huffle_Puffle18
Willow Creek Restaurant – “Pebble Burrow” by walkingaway (I added onto this)
Newcrest Restaurant – “Cute Italian Restaurant” by silkevdp