Blog / Extras · August 28, 2017 11

Memory Lane Challenge – Discovering Juliana

I was nominated for this super fun activity by EddieSims, author of the awesome Sloane Legacy. I LOVE looking back on my stories and seeing how things progressed and even seeing how my writing has progressed. One of the most rewarding things I’ve done was to go back and read my stories once they are completed. I haven’t been able to do that with Discovering Juliana yet although I need to reread chapters for reference, so this challenge will have to do. 🙂

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Share FIVE of your favorite moments from your legacy/story/challenge so far.
  3. Nominate up to 5 blogs to do the same.

The Memories:

  1. Juliana learning to read.

    This was one of the first ideas I had for this story when I began to gather ideas for it. Actually, for a long time it was the only idea! I loved being able to show not only how hard Juliana would have to work, but also Harriett. Her investment into this poor stranger setup the entire story.

  2. Harold & the Piano

    Pretty much any moment with Harold is going to be at the top of my list! I love this guy, and he melts my heart in ways no other character does. I knew many things about Harold and always jumped at the chance to give you a deeper look into his life, and I believe this was the first time. I loved showing you that he wasn’t simply a crabby old man but a man in pain. But, also that he had beautiful parts to him too.

  3. Hillary & Jase’s Night Together

    I originally wrote out their entire night and the next morning! I’m sure you all would have loved to witness how much fun they had, but in the end, I didn’t think it was necessary and put the highlights in Jase’s flashback when they had their fight. Anyway, I loved this because I think it perfectly showed how much Hillary had been kidding herself. She tried to make it seem like she was just going for the ride, but she was being her true self. She loved Jase, and being with him meant everything to her. It was everything she ever wanted, and I loved giving her that opportunity…and a cute little present to remember it by, he he he.

  4. Juliana Telling Her Story for the First Time (in public)

    I always wanted to “hear” Juliana recant chapter 7 in her own words. Ideally, I wanted her to tell Harriett the story first, but I could never orchestrate the right moment. And then, Hillary kept stealing the spotlight, and next thing I knew Juliana had been in Willow Creek for 10 months! Knowing the Humphries family are poor communicators, I suppose it’s not so far fetched to believe no one bothered to ask Juliana how she got there, but I just don’t buy it. Especially not with all the time she spent with Harriett day in and day out. So, my head canon is that she had previously told this story before on one of the days that weren’t recorded in this story or one of the days where Hillary was in the spotlight.
    I loved this moment because it’s the first time we ever heard Juliana say more than a few words. Naturally, she talked a lot more in moments that I don’t show, like casual moments around the house and two hours in the car with Kevin; I mean, they didn’t become fast friends for no reason, right? But, anyway, I wanted us to experience the more chatty Juliana. It was kind of difficult to write. I’m a native English speaker, and most people I hang around are too. I had to think hard about what I was writing and make it sound un-American and like someone who is still learning English…I mean, Simlish 😛

  5. KEVIANA!!!


And, because I’m divergent, I’ll give you all my other favorite moments in pictures at no extra charge!

Welcome Back, Pruetts!
Memory Lane Challenge - Pruett Family Legacy