News · April 24, 2016 12

Fun, New Short Stories Coming Your Way!


I hope this post finds you all well! I’ve got another idea. What else is new, right? 🙂 It’s inspired by Cathy Tea’s Thirty Sims at Three Rivers. I originally planned to do something like this, but I wasn’t inspired to sit down and write 30 random thoughts. However, I’ve taken a different approach. I love words! It’s probably not surprising that one of my favorite board games is Balderdash. It’s the most fun to play when half of the players play for fun and not to win. Anyway, so here’s what I’m going to do. I have an inbox full of words from the Word of the Day lists I subscribe to. I will select words that I like. I will create a Sim(s) and a short story or brief scene inspired by the meaning of that word. The title of said stories will be the word. If the word is unfamiliar to you, hopefully you’ll be able to gather the meaning of the word based on the story you’ve read. You’ll be able to find these stories on a page called Balderdash in the Short Stories section of my site. These will be published randomly, so expect them at any time! I hope you enjoy this fun little challenge.

Pruett Family Legacy After Party!
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