This week on Crazy Brady’s Boot Camp, the contestants have their first challenge! The prize is immunity from the first vote! Let’s watch….
Sugar: “Good morning, winners! How about some sugar from Sugar! Grilled fruit this morning. Eat up and meet me in the living room for a special announcement.”
Alex: “I’m not trying to say I’m intimidated or anything, but have you ever noticed that Jayda is always dressed and ready to go? I know I have as good a chance to win this, but maybe I need to step my game up. If she wasn’t married, heh…I’d ask her for some help, he he he.”
Acacia: “Well…I don’t know about you, but I am pumped and ready to go today! Whatever it is they have up their sleeves…bring it!”
Jayda: “OH! Somebody is bringing some fire today! Ok! Bring it on! I love stiff competition.”
Braylon: “I have to admit…I was a bit nervous to show up at breakfast. I know it looks bad to have been missing, but I just couldn’t get out of it! Besides, I got in so late, and I was so tired, I didn’t have dinner so I was starving!”
Alex: “You saw that, right? I got a smile from the Skinner girl. Oh yeah. It’s totally happening.”
Braylon: “Gosh that fruit was so delicious! Maybe I was just hungry. I don’t know, but all I know is that I couldn’t stop smiling.”
Sugar: “All right! I hope everyone slept well and got enough to eat. Today, you will be participating in your first challenge! We have one treadmill on the lawn for each of you. This is an endurance challenge. Whoever stays on the longest will get immunity in the first vote!”
Nico: “Immunity? Oh, I like the sound of that! I could use some immunity! I mean, don’t get me wrong…I don’t think I’ve been a slacker, but I’m not confident that I’m the most popular person here.”
Sugar: “It’s a beautiful day for a jog, huh? This is the first of two endurance challenges. For this one, you will just be using the Workout program. The next time, you will use the Endurance program. For those of you who are higher fitness levels, to make it fair for everyone, please use the Interval program to make it more challenging.”
Sugar: “Ok! On your mark…get set…go!”
Sugar: “Pace yourselves! You want to last as long as you can. Don’t run. Jog! Let’s go!”
Braylon: “Arrrrg! Why did I have to be the first one to trip?? GUH! Things are just not going well for me here. But…you know what? When things aren’t going well, that means they can only get better, right? Oh yeah!”
Sugar: “Good job, Braylon! Way to regroup! Keep it moving! Woo!”
Jayda: “I tripped a little bit too! It’s no big thing. When you have children, you learn quickly how not to take yourself so seriously. Are they gonna edit that though?”
Sugar: “Everyone is doing great! Let’s go, let’s go!”
Sugar: “It’s ok, ladies! Come on! Get back on it!”

Nico: “Seriously?”
Sugar: “Are you ok, Nico?”
Nico: “Yeah, I’m good. My pride isn’t.”
Sugar: “Good! No time to lose! Shake it off, and get back up there!”
Sugar: “Wooooo! Competition is getting steep, guys! Keep moving!”
[minutes later]
Sugar: “First down, Braylon! Excellent job!”
Sugar: “Second down, Jayda! Oh, and now Acacia…and Nico! It’s all down to Alex and Grant! Who’s it gonna be? I think they need some cheerleaders, guys!”
Braylon: “Woo! Let’s go, Grant!”
Alex: “Grant? She can’t cheer for her boy? I thought we had something. She knows she wants me!”
Sugar: “OHHH! Grant wins by fractions of a second! Congratulations, Grant! You have immunity in the first vote!”
Alex: “Hmph. I totally would have won if she was cheering for me!”
Jayda: “All right, now! You’re the man, Grant!”
Grant: “You did pretty Well yourself.”
Jayda: “Uh huh! I know that’s code for ‘nah nah nah nah'”
Grant: “You’re crazy, you know that?”
Acacia: “Braylon, I noticed you kept stumbling. Perhaps you should try breathing deeply from your diaphragm through your nose. It’ll do you some good!”
Braylon: “Oh! Thank you, Acacia! I really appreciate the advice! I’ll do that next time.”
Braylon: “See! I just knew we were going to be friends!”
Later on that night, Brady came up from the VIP suite to get his own workout in and was surprised to see all of this going on…

“Whoa-ho-hoooo! What do we have going on here! Looks like we have some SERIOUS people in the house! WOO!”
[an hour later]
Our contestants most certainly are serious! With just two more episodes until the first vote, they are not kidding around! Tune in next week for more of Crazy Brady’s Boot Camp!
Oh, Bray! You did such a great job with her. And everyone!
I had so much fun reading this. I will definitely be glancing over this again in the morning 🙂
Thank you!
That pic at the end is awesome. 😀
How did I not see this earlier!? I love this <3 I love seeing familiar faces, and I love Brady and Viv having their own show. Uuugh. I need more.
I don’t know! LOL
I don’t think I can handle more than one of these per week. They’re pretty detailed!
Once a week is good enough. I just love this so freaking much lol. Game show stories are a guilty pleasure of mine lol.
Yay! Geez…. I feel like working out now. And it’s 11 plumming thirty at night! LOL! (gotta read this in the day time!)
He he
Game show stories are my guilty pleasure as well! I loved the tredmill challenge for immunity! I wonder what will happen next! 🙂
“Tune in next week!” <-- that was in my announcer voice lol
Whoop! That’s your boy! What is it about him that you like? Serious question.
He’s chubby and he loves hand held desserts. My type of guy.
Ahhhh, I see 🙂 Oh right…brownies lol.
Yeah, I don’t like using utensils much especially for my dessert.
So you prefer pie over ice cream? Wait…I do too lol.
I prefer pie WITH ice cream. Preferably a cobbler of the peach or blueberry kind. But otherwise, pie all the way. Ice Cream is seasonal to me, like Hot Chocolate.
Nooooooooo! Uggggggh! Sunny Shaaaaaay! You break my heart. We can’t be friends lol. Ice cream is not seasonal!! Neither is hot chocolate!!!
Look, I’m not drinking hot chocolate on a 100 degree summer day. Maybe on a 60 degree one. And ice cream can be year round but I only really crave in the warm months. But I’ll eat it with something hot year round. Like pie or brownies. Maybe even cake.
See, my thing is, drinking hot chocolate in the summer is NO different from drinking coffee or hot tea in the summer. It’s not like you’re going to stand outside and drink any of them anyway (although I don’t understand why some old people drink coffee on the porch!!). I know hot chocolate has a wintery connotation, but what’s really the difference? Same thing with ice cream. Just because you eat it in the winter time doesn’t mean that you have to eat it outside when it’s 30! LOL, besides, the stores do not stop selling either of these at ANY point during the year, so that means they are not seasonal 🙂 (can you tell I’ve been making this point my whole life? lol)
This just remind me of the time I saw somebody eating an ice cream cone outside during a down pour. lol.
I agree, it is not like you’re going to drink outside. I don’t know, my cravings just change with seasons. I did have a craving a hot chocolate the other day though.
I got you. I have the same cravings all the time lol. Mostly for a slice of cake!
I rarely crave cakes. I come from a family of cake ladies so there’s always cake here.
Ahhh. Yeah…I live alone. My family isn’t close by either. There’s no cake here lol.
Some kind of way, you just gave me an idea for another challenge! Thanks lol.
Uh oh. lol
No, it’s good! I only had two non-athletic challenges. Now I have three!