“…and the girls are so beautiful. Janessa looks just like Callie when she was her age, and I think Juliette has Jeannette’s eyes. She definitely has her face. But they look so much alike! Heh, Julian hasn’t a clue about how to handle them, but she’s helping him through it. He reminds me of myself when I was pregnant with him and was terrified about your sister and family moving out and leaving me alone with this baby and the house and everything. I’m sure he’ll find his way just like I had to find my own way after they finally left. It’s strange seeing him in this light though; my baby has his own babies! It’s still weird to think about…well, I guess no stranger than him seeing his mother pregnant again at 21 years old. I love being a grandma though. I really can’t explain why. It’s just so much fun–especially while I’m still young. I know you would enjoy being a grandpa. It’s right up your family-loving alley…[sigh]…I love you, sugar bear. I miss you every day!”
9.6 Grandma Viv
Tags: familyfamily timefictiongrandchildrengrandmagrandparentsgriefgrievinggrowing upLegacy Challengemother's lovemourningPruett LegacySimLitSims 4 Legacy StorySims 4 StoriesSimsLitstorytellingThe Sims 4Viviana Harmon
Hello! I'm a long-time simmer, CAS junkie, food snob, and music lover. I enjoy hot drinks, laughing until I cry, chewing gum, and writing. Creating sims is one of my favorite things to do, so I hope you enjoy them. Thanks for stopping by!
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Dang. That’s a lot a tombstones.
heh, that’s not even all of them!
Aw, I really love Viv and it’s sad that he left while she is still so young. I love the two pictures in this chapter.
Gee… It’s so weird without Brady.
Love the pictures. So sweet!
Right? I think I find myself more in love with him now that he’s gone Especially when I look at Julian and Callie, I see Brady’s face!
I cried, just looking at all those gravestones and all the memories… ;(
Aww it’s so hard when she’s so mych younger than Brady! Reminds me of Yenn and Ethan. Hopefully for Viv, she won’t live forever though (ok, that’s a weird thing to say lol. I don’t want her to die of course, but it’s so sad to see couples divided by death when the other one has ways to go!)
Weeeeeeell…she’s got that long lived trait, sooooooo…