Aubrey spun in front of the mirror so long she could have created a storm. It was a fine dress but not exactly right for the venue. At last, she’d visit Golden Palm Club. The way Julio described it, she imagined it being like something out of a 1940s drama with women in mink coats and men in tuxes. As his wife, she had to look the part and reflect well on him, but her dress didn’t match his dapper vibe. What if people noticed and whispered behind their backs? He always looked dapper, so maybe she’d be ok. Maybe it was the dress. When she saw it in the window, it screamed BUY ME. Salma always harped on her wardrobe, and the dress looked like something she’d approve. But the material was so thick, and the applique made it worse. Luckily, it wasn’t so stiff that it destroyed her curves. Still, it hugged her a little too much. “Do I look ok?”
Julio chuckled. “You do this every time we go somewhere, and you always look amazing.”
She twisted and turned a few more times, frowning at herself in the mirror. “Are you sure? I feel like I’m too casual.”
“Sweetheart, please. I told you…we’re not staying. We’re just gonna take a quick look and leave.”
“Are you sure?”
His warm lips on her cheek provided mild comfort. “You know I wouldn’t lead you astray.”
She grinned. “No. You wouldn’t.”

Excited energy raced through her veins as she fantasized about what the club would be like. Did it have all the fancy things like valet parking, coat check, and complimentary champagne at the door? Julio pointed to the tallest building in the Fashion District a few blocks away. “There it is,” he said. Golden Palm Club stood like a beacon to the upper echelon, bidding them to come and dance the night away. As long as they’d been married, at random times Aubrey realized she was among the upper crust as if learning it for the first time.
The elevator ride to the top was the longest she’d ever experienced. Once the doors opened, they walked into an ornate vestibule bathed in gold with black trimming. There was no complimentary champagne, but she was ok with that.
“Good evening, Mr. & Mrs. Corleonesi,” the person at the desk said.
She could have corrected him, but what was the use? No need spreading the family drama in the streets.
“Hello, Carl.”
“Will you be joining us this evening?”
“No. I just want to show my wife around.”
“Ahh, yes, of course. Your husband honors his father well, ma’am. I’m sure you will be pleased.”
Aubrey smiled and nodded. She was always proud of Julio, despite knowing exactly received her pride. “What’s in that room?”

Julio’s arm stiffened like a slice of bread left in open air. “What’s that?”
She pointed down the hall. “That room there…with the bouncer in front of it. What’s in there?”

“Umm … It’s…a party room. There’s a private party tonight. Sorry, I forgot.”
It wasn’t like him to hesitate and forget details, but he’d been working so hard lately. Actually, he always worked hard and needed to slow down as she had. “Oh. Must be some party!”
“Yeah. You know celebrities with their non-disclosures and what not.”
“Oh, yeah. I guess I’d want to control who got in too if I were at that level.”
“Mmm hmm. Let’s go in here,” he said and whisked her away into the adjacent room.
She tried to sneak a peek into the party room but couldn’t see anything. Behind the door was another door, and the bouncer blocked her view.

“All the rooms can be reserved, but usually they’re open to our members. This is the lounge.”
“So…this is like a fancy place to meet someone for drinks?”
“Exactly. It’s often reserved for parties, but the other room is bigger and has a dance floor.”

They marched upstairs, and Aubrey tried to peak in the guarded room again with no luck. What a party it must have been, though. The loud music drowned out the hooting and hollering.
“This room is almost always reserved. We’ve had concerts, comedy shows, and speakers booked. During the day, I have my staff meetings here sometimes.”
“How official,” Aubrey joked.

They sauntered across the hall to the next room.
“This room is a nice place to relax and have a conversation.”
“Like a living room!”

On the top floor, Aubrey was taken aback by what she found. “Oh!”
“Nothing. I’m just surprised.”
“I don’t know. I guess I didn’t think you would allow that in here.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s just bubbles, Aubrey.”

That’s what everyone said, but she’d heard stories about what people did after taking puffs from that thing. But Julio was responsible. He would make sure it only had bubbles.
“Are you ready to go?”
She wanted to stay awhile and get a good look at everything, but he seemed eager to get out. If he insisted on dining at one of her restaurants, would she feel the same way? After seeing the same scenery day in and day out, who would want to spend their leisure time where they worked? No wonder he never invited her to the club before. Besides, he probably had a reservation to keep.
“Sure. Let’s go,” she said.
He whisked her away to the new winery in Oasis Springs.
“This place is beautiful, Julio!”
He snorted. “The one time I arrange an outdoor date it rains! Let’s get inside.”

“Good evening,” the very handsome bartender said. “Welcome to Rio Verde Vineyard. What can I get ya?”
“Two glasses of Soft Shadow Avornalino, please,” Julio said.
“Excellent choice. Coming right up.”

Neither drank much, but Julio knew his wines compliments of his Italian father. Tony was a connoisseur and began the transfer of knowledge at age 12.
“You’re gonna love this,” he said, passing her a glass.
She swirled it under her nose as she’d seen him do and wafted the boozy sweetness. “It smells great.”
She took a sip. “Wow! This is delicious!”
He nodded, pleased that she enjoyed his selection.

For a moment, they were the only patrons in the bar. Still, they tucked themselves away at a corner table.
“So, do the celebrities ever invite you to their parties?” Aubrey asked.
“I mean, I know you’re the proprietor and all, but you know some of them, right?”
His eyes darted away from her, and he squirmed in the chair. “I get invites, yes, but I don’t go to the parties. I rarely mix business and pleasure…and, they aren’t my kind of parties, anyway.”

They sipped in silence for a few minutes while Aubrey tried to salvage the conversation. Whenever they spoke of his work, he was short or changed the subject. It agitated him for some reason. She rather enjoyed gushing about her restaurants and employees—especially the great job Keegan was doing at J. Pruett’s Grill.
Julio laughed. It startled her.
“What’s so funny?”
“Did you know your dad’s been to the club?”
Her jaw dropped. “No way!”
“I invited him to discuss what to do about the Estate.”
“Ohhhh. I bet he loved it.”
“He thought I invited him to ask for your hand.” A fit of giggles overtook him. “He misunderstood everything I said and got so mad.”
“Oh, man! I can imagine how that got out of hand fast.”

It felt so good to laugh with Julio again. They were never a playful couple and didn’t laugh together much, but it had been such a long while. Work crowded their lives too much. It was great they could afford to go on vacation whenever they wanted, but they shouldn’t need a vacation every couple of months. And vacation shouldn’t be the only time they ever had fun and recharged.
“Dance with me,” he said.
“I don’t think this the dancing kind of place,” she said looking at the casual people who entered.
“That’s never stopped us before.”
He had an endearing gleam in his eye. Underneath all that seriousness and quiet was a romantic who came out occasionally. She grinned, offering her hand and thinking about their honeymoon and all the restaurants they created their own dancefloor. How could she deny him such a simple pleasure?

He held tight, and she rested her head on his shoulder, releasing a satisfactory sigh.
“Are you ok?” he asked.
“Yeah. I just miss this sometimes.”

“Yeah…me too.”
“We work too much, Julio. I’ve cut back. You should too.”
“I know. I’ll try.”
Is Julio hiding something? Getting very suspicious…
Maaaaaaybe? 😀
Julio is hiding something for sure! Is it illegal activity in his club? I need to find out. If he can’t talk to Aubrey about it, he probably shouldn’t be doing it is all I have to say.
He he he we will find out…eventually lol. And you’re so right!