3D · September 19, 2019 4

3D: Grateful

A blast of cool, seasoned air refreshed Jonathan from the Oasis Springs’ crippling heat as he strolled into Viviana’s during lunch rush. Happy chatter and laughter filled the air indicating everything was as it should. Hungry diners occupied many tables but left plenty of room for more. As he passed by, frequent customers smiled and waved with their mouths full. New restaurants popped up every day, but they chose Viviana’s. A framed magazine cover near the host’s station reminded him of the reason each time he saw it.

Every time he gazed upon it, he thought of his dear, sweet grandma for whom he named the restaurant. Her tiny, Asian eyes would double in size if she knew how successful it was. His parents too. And his crazy sister, Juliette. Time was funny. Young Jonathan, scrappy, scrawny but oh so stylish, announced his dream like headline news. He remembered it like yesterday. The family graves called him in those moments. Did the spirits still dwell in the gated stone yard? Regardless, it was home.

Jonathan never shied away from the spotlight, but tooting his own horn was not his style. Hanging the magazine at the restaurant felt braggadocios, but Aylin insisted.

“We’re proud too,” she said.

They began as a group of random people nervous to disappoint the Jonathan Pruett. The rag-tag bunch were now close friends. The team at Viviana’s experienced everything life offered together. Babies, marriages, death and divorce threatened to break up the team, but they prevailed. Aylin, Savannah, Archer, and Tiana had synergy. They were every business owner’s dream. Bonds like theirs did not develop overnight or without trials. Aubrey’s team often ran across Jonathan’s mind. With hard work, and perseverance, they could overcome the rough patch. It hurt sometimes to think about his daughter struggling, but it was a necessary struggle for her success. One day, she’d feel the same gratefulness for her team. When that day came, he’d experience true success.

3D: Pillow Talk
3D: Motherly Advice